Eminem vs. Nick Cannon



Are we serious here? People are still gettin butt hurt over Eminem's pop singles. Nick gettin more upset than Britney Spears on her period ever did. And LMFAOOO at dude for gettin "Mariah" tatted on his back. NICK YOU NEED TO FALL BACK BEFORE EM TAKES IT BACK TO ALL THAT TO START DISSING YOU!!! But it's too late to fall back now, and I hope Em kills him on wax!

To quote Nick: “I’m taking full action on you Eminem. I don’t know why no one has stood up to your bitch ass yet. But I guess it’s going to take a corny, wack rapping, boy toy from Nickelodeon to set you straight. And trust, I am going to be relentless. Even though I got a lot of other obligations and occupations, you are my new full time job “homey”! I asked myself should I go find this Bitch and just whoop his little ass? Let’s not forget about Eminem’s amateur mixtape rants of calling African Americans Nigger and how he hates “Black Bitches”. How did we let him get away with that in the first place?! He is a natural born racist in disguise. Someone tell this coward that he finally barked up the wrong tree. This is my invitation to you, whenever and wherever you like sir. So when you come out of your introverted hiding place and ask your bodyguards if you can go out and play by yourself, I’m here Pimp!”

Comments (3)

nick cannon is sooooo ass.!
em well end his career like he did benzino

Nick pulled the racist card out on Eminem.. lmaoo whatta joke he is.. "IGNANT" as fuck

wow... someone is taking EM too srsly.. "Nick Cannon Better BACK the Fuck UP!"

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