$Money Mike$'s Random Blurb: Why I'm Single...



So...I just went through a couple of situations this past week that made me REALLY think about why I'm single. I aint gonna get too much into some of them but they range from conversations with my boys to certain female's reactions to things I've said to them.

I'm often hit with this question: "OK, you're doing a lot with your life, your attractive, you're funny. Why are you still single?".....

-I cant/won't lie to a female just for some ass. I was talking with my boys and one of my boys was talking about how he tells chicks anything that they wanna hear just so he could have sex with them. I told him I dont do that because 1.) said chick wont respect you when it's revealed you're a liar and 2.) I can't tell a chick I "love" her. I havent said that word to a female in like 5 years.....

-I have my well documented commitment issues. Im not gonna get into it because most of you guys are prolly familiar, but I suck at commitment and relationships. My longest relationship was about 8 months. I just have the trait of needed constant excitement and thrills and stimulation in all aspects of my life. I also hate being in one place for too long. :-/

I've had girls tell me that before they ever talked to me, that I didn't seem approachable, and I had too much of an arrogance about me. I recently had a very attractive girl tell me that when she first checked me out that I was "intimidating in a good way" because I seemed like I had my shit together real good. But as soon as they start talking to me they realize that I am just a confident person who really tries to be the best at whatever he is doing. If I'm dressin up I wanna be the freshest dude there, if I am starting a blog I want it to be the freshest blog out there, and if I want a girl I want her to be the freshest girl out there.

All in all, I just want to be understood. I was watching a video where this guy was saying how women always try to make men seem like their intentions are bad simply because they don't line up with theirs. Extremely true. Should I just tone it down and not be this pompous, flashy, sometimes controversial person, and just be like everyone else? FFFUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKK NOOOOOOO!!! haha

I just like my space. I SUCK @ relationships for now, but hopefully there is a girl that will come around and keep my interest in the near future.

Comments (2)

shut up nigga you aint fuckin no one and if you are, it definitely aint no dime. this guy think he ballin

LMFAO Anonymous haters are so funny! Well since you're on my dick already, what you need to do is jump off of it. I would tell you to kill yourself but a fall from that height is guaranteed to do it!

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